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Bishopsfinger 10:47 Fri Sep 6
Talksport phone yesterday
Questions for West Ham fans

Do you think the owners have been forgiven?

Are you happy with the team ?

A lot sticking up for them, a few wins and people forget ....

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Bishopsfinger 7:59 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
The way it was sold and marketed I think people believed the hype. Under no circumstances did we think they would blatantly not deliver on what they promised.

I dont like the new place but I want my kids to still go. The younger fans don't really know anything different.

The clever thing was not having an area dedicated 'singing/standing because they didnt want a united voice. A starting point for dissent, so they have split us up. It really is hard getting an atmosphere to carry around the ground. Certain games it's been done but that kind of noise isn't planned it's natural emotions.

Let's face it we rolled over mainly, but with a firm shove from them initially. They did us...

Northern Sold 7:11 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
AKA ERNIE 11:43 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
newton fuck knows mate
I was part of the bond scheme demo which worked to a point .
Its fucking ridiculous we just let them move us from Upton pk and said nothing

Same here ERN... on the pitch v Everton... picture on back page of the Sunday Mirror... the difference is this time is that people bought into the bullshit... they believed Brady and co and their soundwaves... MATES that go now have accepted it... they know it won't be the same but they accept it... welcome to the modern day west ham/football experience

wd40 5:48 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
I just miss standing in the west side.

Mike the Hammer 2:37 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday

AKA ERNIE 11:28 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
well said Mr ware

my biggest regret is we did absolutely fuck all to stop the move

If only we'd had a referendum...

, 2:36 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
We have to be realistic because the only way fans will ever get a club to do what they want is for the fans to completely own the club. And then the issue becomes one of does the club follow a path for the majority of the fan owners or does it have to be all the fan owners.

The first thing fans will find out when they own a club is how constrained the club is by finances. None of these things are easy, we don’t like our owners but a lot of things they do are no better or worse than other ownerships. For example no owners spend money regardless they all spend the minimum but where our owners differ from many others is in their disrespectful and dismissive attitude towards us paying customers.

ironsofcanada 2:36 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
collyrob 2:30 Sun Sep 8

Got one, pretty happy with it. Don't need to pointlessly insult strangers on the internet.

How are you doing?

collyrob 2:30 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday

ironsofcanada 1:24 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday

Get a life mate

NewtonsPartyBag 2:00 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
It's so......so.....hard to believe we all just stand back and think...........how the fuck has this happened?

Even harder to think we actually let it!

It's like one of those mental hangovers , you wake up and realise you shit your pants, pissed in your shoes but just brushed it off, went down the caff and cracked on

ironsofcanada 1:24 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
I have profound respect for supporters who were able to keep the club going in person and did. It would not be here for me without them.

I don't have the extensive memories of Upton Park but I have some. Late from the airport on my honeymoon, I got a mini-cab to the gates and it is etched in my brain seeing and smelling (them still selling pie and mash) and feeling what I had been told about for a couple decades. What had almost become semi-mythical. I don't remember the game much, Lungberg losing the ball a lot on the right wing coming toward me in the Bobby Moore Lower and the eventual damp squib of a 1-1 with Reading. But the experience.

I can't get that back now and really couldn't if it was still there. But again I don't have the years of those memories that people do, for good and bad, I guess.

It is not like we all don't experience loss. We all get that I think. Could things have been different with West Ham? Could my dad have taken medication or ever gone to a doctor for his blood pressure? Could he then have met my wife? Maybe but it happened the other way.

Did it hurt a bit to see the house I lived 18 years in drastically changed when I drove by? Yes. Or the stone work I help my dad work on painted over or hidden? Yes.

Or will my wife ever look like she did on our first date or at our wedding? No. But I don't stop loving her or focus on the negative of what was lost.

I guess that leads meanderingly to my point. The relationship is still with us, and to only focus on the past and loss of that past, just sours whatever might come in the future. There can be great things to come, we don't really know.

And if you don't feel it, that is your choice but where it crosses a bit of a line is when people can't feel another way or they are not real West Ham. There is a future of the club, whatever it will be, as well as a past.

Really just some thoughts, ignore, tear apart at your leisure but they are real and carry some emotion behind them. Whether you believe I have any say or not?Again, your opinion is as valid as mine.

SUM A DING WONG 12:43 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday

You make valid points, but the owners will only spend the bare minimum if they feel they can get away with it.

They only put their hands in their pockets because of the aggro - lets not kid ourselves.

The only reason i get wound up on here with people, is because i fee l that their anger is being wasted on a poxy internet forum, now to a degree its ok, because im sure the board (or whoever close to them read this).

But, if the moaning is limited to here, it's not going to change much.

I personally, have not allowed things to bother me massively - but, I completely understand why people are fucked off.

More importantly, i can seet that their anger can be used more constructively, instead of just being used to slag other supporters off (this annoys me, because clearly we all care, we just have differences of opinion).

We need to all realise this and try and turn all these negative feelings against our board, to our advantage.

I know this WHO and we all cunt eachover off, but on this we really do have to put our differences to one side and stick together and put pressure on the board to come up with the goods.

Takashi Miike 12:38 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
jim, the reason I moan is for fans like you and mates of mine who still go. i won't ever go back so it doesn't affect me. of course, it's not all crap and they did sign a top player in the summer with haller, and another good one with fornals but I can see where they've left the manager short again if we do suffer some injuries to our key players. we're due a luckier season in regard to that, so fingers crossed. totally agree about the better manager and football, I was one of the first to defend him last year when clowns wanted him sacked, and they've signed a top striker in haller but little things like the hernandez sale after the domestic window had closed are red flags to me. let's see if MPs allowed to spend the money in january, hopefully he doesn't need to

jimbo2. 12:33 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
Well we agree to differ then, that's fine!

AKA ERNIE 12:26 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
jumbo I'm not going to argue mate you either get it or you dont and you dont

jimbo2. 12:08 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
Well Takashi, I'm not thick at all. The inconvenient truth that many chose to ignore is that whilst they are far from perfect, we are undoubtably in a better position now than for many a year. We have better players, a better squad, a better Manager and a better brand of football than for many years. We are also playing in front of 60k crowds and not everyone hates the LS! Somehow the above is bad??

Takashi Miike 11:58 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
what is this 'modern world/modern fan' bollocks? I felt the same about terry brown over two decades ago. it's nothing to do with modern, you either see through them for what they are or you're a bit of a thick cunt

ChillTheKeel 11:56 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
and have old cunt Gold playing the nice guy.


I always laugh when I hear "But Gold's alright, it's the others".....the same Gold who made sure fans only had a solitary AND extortionate premium rate number to call - which he also just so happened to have investments in.

AKA ERNIE 11:43 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
newton fuck knows mate
I was part of the bond scheme demo which worked to a point .
Its fucking ridiculous we just let them move us from Upton pk and said nothing

NewtonsPartyBag 11:38 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday

Would you rate your Mrs going out and seeing a few other fellasand then rating them on a system of 1/10?

jimbo2. 11:35 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
My God, there's a lot of vitriol and venom on here! Why is it in this modern world that everybody feels compelled to take such extreme views? It's either a 10/10, or a 1/10 view from so many now. Whatever happened to a 4, 5, 6 or 7 out of 10 view?

NewtonsPartyBag 11:32 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday

Shocking really when you think about it. How the fuck did it happen?

Even the the Yids made themselves heard during the Sugart thing, and then more so on the stadium build.

How the fuck did we actually let this ride??

AKA ERNIE 11:28 Sun Sep 8
Re: Talksport phone yesterday
well said Mr ware

my biggest regret is we did absolutely fuck all to stop the move

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